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Crystal Aliens & Travelers

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The mystical codes of Aliens and Travelers - Let yourself be surprised 


Buy your unique Crystal Alien and/or Traveler

Every Crystal Alien and Traveler comes with its own unique energy and transmission. They are amazing helpers for intuitive women. Their energy is so loving, healing and uplifting. They really want you to embrace your own heaven on earth. They come to support you in every facet of your life, not only in your unique lightworker mission. 

When you buy a Crystal Alien and/or Traveler, they will definitely help you embody your spiritual being here on earth. Really make the shift from 3D to 5D and beyond. They are not only “love and light” and really want you to own who you are. No more spiritual bypass here. Just pure, divine love.


The advantages of buying your Crystal Alien and Traveler at SHE

Each Crystal Star Being comes with its own energy. Connected to more than just their own energy field. It's a crystal light grid full of unique transmission and amazing light codes to discover. They are precious and should be honored like that. 

At SHE Cindy has always felt that this should be of the highest priority to all the products sold in our webshop. They are all entities with their own energy and therefore we take amazing care of our light beings. We clear them from old energetic heaviness and activate them in our unique High Priestess energy field. Really invite them to show their uniqueness and precious ancient wisdom when they feel ready.

Cindy really sees them as part of her light family and she and her team treat them accordingly. When they come into your home, we want them to feel like your perfect match made in heaven.

Buying your Crystal Alien or Traveler at SHE will come with these amazing extra's:

  • Your Crystal light being is already cleared from dense energy, ready and safe to use. This way they will only add to your energy, home and every other facet of your life. 
  • A unique channeling of your crystal being and extra information about the unique transmission that comes with your purchase. 
  • Your Alien or Traveler is initiated into a bigger energy field and the connection lines of the grid are yours to enter and discover. Amazing light codes that will add to your life, love and business. 


What makes Aliens and Travelers different to Crystal Skulls and Dragons?

Crystal Aliens and Travelers have such loving energy. When you buy your Alien or Traveler you will feel this in an instant. Their energy works fast, really opens you up to unlimited possibilities and are so ready to help you embody your wisdom with so much more ease. They are perfect to assist within your family home and I am sure your kids will love them right away. 

Their energy holds so many energetic codes ready to be downloaded and remembered. They help you remember what you have stored in your blood, bones and cells. The wisdom that was always there and ready to be embodied in this life. 

Let your inner wisdom and higher self show you the right one for you. These amazing beings can be a keeper for life and should therefore be felt with your heart. Have a look and find out for yourself. And if you need any help finding your perfect match, Cindy and her team are more than welcome to help you choose.  Just send us an email or DM on the socials and we will be there.