Weekenergy 25/07 - 31/07

This week is an interesting one.
All you really need to do is rest.
Rest, do what you love and only share what really feels inspired. Follow your own path.
No more doing because it’s expected.
No more doing because that's how you always did it.
No more doing for the doing.
Less doing, more being.
Being, so you can connect to your true needs and desires.
Being, so your body can release what is no longer needed.
Your body holds the wisdom and gold that is already inside of you. All ready to come out. Your body also holds the stuck, old and stagnant energetic heaviness that is ready to leave the body.
The body is ready to release.
You are ready to release.
Don’t feel afraid of the unknown. You don’t have to fear the release. It’s ready and so are you. More than ready.
Let this week support you in the process.
We are on our way to the lion’s gate. Spirit is working through you in so many ways already. Let the universe do its magic.
Less doing for you.
More receiving.
Be ready for magic.