Weekenergy 23/05 - 29/05

You are enough.
This week invites you to really anchor this one in.
- You are the safety you are looking for.
- You are your own love story.
- You are your greatest inspiration.
Anchor in and take action from this point forward. Don’t make yourself wrong for the mistakes that you made. This is your now.
What makes you feel good? Do more or this. What worked in this past and still feels good? Do more of this. What feels like amazing inspiration? Do more of this.
Life was never meant to be difficult.
Find the peace you are looking for inside yourself.
Do you need help, support or other resources, gift yourself these.
The feminine has two shadow sides which in the end are exactly the same:
- I am never enough, so I need help, help, help
- I protect myself and tell myself that I don’t need anything from the outside.
Nobody ever lived only from just “love and light”. Let this week show you your deepest, honest truth and grow from there.
Open your heart, take all the time you need and heal your shadow.
Light & Dark
Yin & Yang
There will never be one without the other.