Weekenergy 30/05 - 05-06

You get to have it all.
We are moving into June, which will feel calmer than May did. May was all about you. She revealed what wasn’t aligned with your highest self anymore.
Now we are moving into June. Use this week to really honor your pleasure, creativity and heart's desires. You get to have it all with more ease.
Life wants to show you what you forgot about yourself. Your talents, gifts and potential really wants to come through. What do you want to discover, enjoy or make more time for? Your soul is whispering all the answers.
Make yourself priority nr 1.
Your energy first.
Your joy first
Your desires first.
Over logic.
Over how you think it has to get done.
Over how you did it.
Your soul is coming through with all your desires.
Logic was never a player in the game. Ditch what you know and discover new ways. Make this a week to remember. Have so much more fun. Create lots of (mini) moments for you.
And celebrate.
Celebrate all you accomplished for this year.
Celebrate you and your connection to the universe.
Celebrate all that still has to come to live.
Enjoy! This will be an amazing week. Go and have all the fun your soul whispers to explore.